Welcome to Play Therapy Bradford and Calderdale


Play Therapy is a child-friendly form of psychotherapy that uses play as the primary method of communication to help children deal with ‘big feelings’. It is through the combination of play and the relationship with the therapist that change occurs.



At Play Therapy Bradford and Calderdale, I offer weekly
1:1 Play & Creative Arts Therapy sessions to children aged 4-16.

I also offer Filial Therapy, which is a
co-partnering support offered to parents/carers, where I work collaboratively with them and their children, empowering them as the key agents of change in their child’s process.

In addition, I offer Therapeutic Parenting/Caring sessions, to equip parents/carers to understand and respond to their child’s behaviours and needs outside of sessions, please see the separate Therapeutic Parenting/Caring page for more details.

I welcome referrals from schools, private parents/carers and children’s services. I work primarily from my private practice, based in Luddendenfoot - between Halifax and Hebden Bridge - and peripatetically in educational settings across Bradford.


What Happens in a Typical Session?

No two children are typical, therefore no two sessions are ever the same! Your child will come to the play room once per week for a set amount of time ( 40-50 mins for most children).

They will be free to choose from a range of toys and equipment specifically chosen for their therapeutic capacity. I will follow your child’s lead, using reflection, mirroring, co-play, tracking, metaphor, questioning and other techniques that enable your child to face their challenges in a safe, nurturing environment.

There is no expectation to behave in a particular manner, the only requirement is that your child, the equipment and the therapist are unharmed. This gives your child permission to test boundaries, explore ‘big feelings’ and to express whatever emotions, thoughts and feelings arise.

What Happens in Filial Therapy?

I meet with the parents initially, to understand your family challenges and needs. We then work collaboratively in providing you with therapeutic play skills to play with your child. This intervention takes between 20-24 weeks and equips and empowers you to be the primary source of change in your child’s presenting conditions and behaviours. We work together practically through a combination of role-play and feedback before beginning sessions with your child so that you feel confident and are set up to succeed. There is plenty of humour along the way and lots of room to make mistakes and try again!

What issues can Play Therapy Help With?

There are many reasons why children are referred. Perhaps they have experienced a significant life event that has impacted them in some way, or maybe they are experiencing behavioural, social or emotional difficulties at home or at school.

Common Referrals:
·       Anxiety & stress

·       Shy & withdrawn

·       Developmental trauma (pre and post birth)

·       Adopted and looked-after children

·       Additional needs e.g. ASC/ADHD

·       Selective mutism

·       Historic emotional, physical & sexual abuse

·       Historic neglect

·       Historic parental substance misuse

·       Historic domestic violence

·       Separation, divorce and loss

·       Aggression & externalising behaviours

·       Masking & internalising behaviours


Private Practice

I work in educational settings and from my private practice in Luddendenfoot, Calderdale, which is on a main bus route between Halifax and Hebden Bridge. I also work with families in their own homes and online, where appropriate, with families undertaking the Filial (parent/child) Therapy process.

I welcome both private parent/carer and social care/school referrals.

Sessions are carried out within school hours:
9am-3pm, Mon-Fri, term time only.

‘Play is Children’s Language

and Toys are their Words.’

— G. Landreth


What Referrers Say

At Play Therapy Bradford, I aim for commitment to excellence in standards. Here is what some of my referrers have to say.